
Android App project - React Native | Ensimag's Project

The project

The project was done in a team of 5 people. The goal was to deliver an Android App together with a test benchmark, a complete documentation and a functionnal backend.

More about the project

The App should allow users to create stories and share them with others. The idea is that after each paragraph, an action can be taken and then, it leads to a new paragraph. Everyone can create new paragraphs, read stories etc… depending on the permissions they have. Moreover, users can modify their own stories, paragraphs and actions, and also delete them. A login system is required to allow users to create stories and paragraphs, but unlogged users can read stories.

Technical details

We used React Native to create the App (Frontend), Node and Express to create the backend and Heruko to host the backend.

No more details ?
Since the project is being used by Ensimag for multiple years, we are asked to not share our App.