Multi-agent simulators | Ensimag's Project
The project
With two teamates, we implemented 5 different multi-agent simulators using only java.
Every simulator we implemented is using an event manager to handle the execution of the next step of the simulation.
Balls simulator
Cellular simulators
Conway’s game of life.
Immigration game
Schelling model
Boids simulator
What is a boid simulator?
Boids is an artificial life program, developed by Craig Reynolds in 1986, which simulates the flocking behaviour of birds. His paper on this topic was published in 1987 in the proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH conference. Learn more
The code
The major part of our code is available here. The code is only missing a dependency that I am not allowed to share.
A summary of our work is also available on the github page of the project (in french)